Exams mean we recluse (to recluse: to hide away from communication, people, general human beings and resort to the comfort of books and revision guides). I personally HATE this period of my life (who the fuck loves it?), where I live in my Dad’s Mad Dog joggers and jumpers that have seen better days and definitely smelt a lot juicier. I even resorted to deactivating good old faceyb. This, I must say, was the best idea I have had since I decided that wearing a onesie on a night out would be liberating (it was). But, it’s the time after exams that I find almost equally disturbing.
Why? Because, after 8 weeks of reclusing-it-up, suddenly, I am thrown back into the realm of society and face the ordeal of many an awkward situation, or an immediate, cringe moment. I planned random events for almost immediately after my exams, and since my last (ordeal of an) exam, I have NOT STOPPED. The most exciting/traumatic part of the week so far, definitely has to have been the moment where I realized I couldn’t blag my way into India in true Irish-like-my-dad fashion, and that I needed a VISA… in a matter of days. Brilliant. MASSIVE COCK-UP.
But, HAY. Shit can sometimes hit fan, but in the words of Bob Marley, ‘everything gonna be alright’. And, I will be off to India as soon as I can, no matter how postponed it may be. Visa. Will. Arrive. Visa. Will. Arrive. Visa. Will. Arrive. Pray for me, yeah? I’m not religious, but moments of selfishness and insanity take over when I feel like the help of some sort of God would be greatly appreciated. I say the Hail Mary when I take off on a plane. Then say 'fucking hell' as soon as I spill the drink down my leg half way through the flight. I am a 21st century hypocrite. An evening of Bridget with my besties and a fabulous rendez vous with my favourite Tiger are the highlights of my week. In the famous words of the beautiful Bridget Jones, ‘what a gripping life I do lead’. Preparing at home for summer means I can’t help but wonder what drama is ensuing oop-norf. The student town of Duzza holds what should be described as one of the Seven Wonders of the World: Klute. Smirfs, onesie-clad-orange people and Hitler-like dressed students have graced the floors of this hidden gem. A honeypot of sordid tales and saucy (naked) truths, it has been the base of many of my friends’ escapades, escapades that cause eyebrows to raise incredibly high. These shenanigans range from lesbian lunges in return for free drinks, to ‘accidentally’ spilling a quady-voddy over someone, to pretending that it’s ‘oh-ma-gad so crammed’ that you are forced to dance ‘on’ someone cause space is limited. Basically, in Klute…anything goes. I can only guarantee that stories in the next post will be outrageous. And, I can't wait to post it.
Last three songs to come up on my shuffle:
Chase & Status : End Credits
Joni Mitchell: A Case of You
Cee Lo Green: I want You
Needless to say, at 3:16 am, babysat-ed-out and indian visa-ed-out, I am feeling rather random. Although, both Cee Lo and Chase have got me excited for Summer. Joni has just made me happy.
Yours, Penny Lane xx
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